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My Summer Bike Trip. An Adventure and Life Lessons.

Writer's picture: Thomas Sarlo (USA)Thomas Sarlo (USA)

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

The trip came to an end, and the memories faded, but the lessons I learned lasted a lifetime.

Silhouette of three friends on a hike in the moutains admiring the sunset.
Photo by Cynthia Magana on Unsplash.

As the end of August approached, the reality of the next piece of our adventure was in front of us. After a few days of rest and getting acclimated to indoor living again, we all felt a degree of anticipation. We all felt grateful for the accomplishment and for returning safely from our latest adventure. We shared our memories and personal experiences, not realizing what this adventure meant at the time. Life needs to be lived forward but understood by looking backward.

Our following plans were to load up our friend's car. This leg of the journey took us from the west coast of the United States back to New Jersey on the east coast, a 3000-mile trip (approximately 4800 km). It was a test of our friendship. The three of us crammed into a VW Bug (Volkswagen Beetle) with three bikes strapped on the back of the car, personal items tied to the roof, and very little room inside the vehicle for comfort and no air conditioning. It was the 1970s, and our traveling situation was not uncommon. There is something about spending a lot of time with the same friends in such close quarters.

Old, light blue colored, Volkswagen Beetle car with luggage rack on roof parked in a grassy field.
Photo by Tom Arrowsmith on Unsplash.

We made the trip back to New Jersey, where we all grew up and where the adventure started. There were serious plans ahead for each of us. I learned that life's twists and turns follow us through life. Having a great adventure can be amazing and fulfilling. Sharing that adventure can form a stronger bond with friends. But in hindsight, it wasn't the glue that held us together. Life intervened. At the end of the summer of 1976, one friend returned to Minneapolis and resumed college. We soon drifted away from each other, and communication fell off. The memories of the trip dimmed in the rearview mirror of life. In later years, I learned my friend from Minneapolis died. His sister contacted me and told me her brother cut off all ties with his family shortly after our adventure. He married, but sadly, his wife never knew of his family. He developed cancer and died. He erased all of his past, including his friends.

My other friend returned to service work but chose to live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She worked there briefly and then returned to the midwest part of the country to start a new life. Our friendship waxed and waned over the years. I learned in time that you cannot take friendships for granted. They may not always be there.

I entered my first semester of college that fall with my eyes wide open and new experiences ahead. The adventure gave me a much clearer understanding of who I was and what was important to me. Those newfound awarenesses helped me to set my future trajectory in life.

That summer of 1976 was a time of adventure, hope, and growth. I learned as we grow, we shift in and out of many lives. It was a time for learning and acceptance. We all make shifts throughout life, and the only constant is change. Sometimes, we take those close to our hearts, and sometimes, we drift away. What's important is being in the moment and appreciating what's in front of us. I look back on the summer of 1976 with fond memories. I got an adventure and life lessons that helped shape who I am today. It was a moment in time that will stay with me forever.


Tom is a retired nurse, volunteer, and lifelong learner living his best life in Montana (USA).


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