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Humbled and Grateful

Writer's picture:  Terry Cullen (USA) Terry Cullen (USA)

Little girl with a sign to be heroes from one day, a saying  from David Bowie.
Photo by Jessica Podraza on Unsplash.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead

First, let me wish each of you a happy and healthy New Year. It is hard to imagine that it will soon be 2023.

As 2022 draws closes, I want to share some of the highlights in the past year with the project.

Humanity has taken some decidedly dark twists and turns this year. That is curious, considering there should have been reason to be joyful, given that the worst of the global pandemic subsided. Instead, we witnessed more human hardship: the start of a war, heightened tensions between countries, indifference to the purge of ethnic minorities, callous disregard for refugees, rampant consumerism and inflation, accelerated global temperatures, extreme weather events, food shortages, and starvation, xenophobia and related violence, and oppression of women's rights. There were a few bright spots, such as the Olympics, renewed commitments (in words) to cooperative action on climate change, and a first-ever malaria vaccine. Sadly, those stories got lost in the dark side of the human condition.

On a much smaller scale, remains committed to its vision to empower people to create positive and meaningful change in the world. Thanks to a dedicated group of collaborators, we have gained some traction in the past year, our first full year of operation. Without their loving support, our progress to date would not be possible.

Here are a few of our highlights (as of Dec 1) this year:

  • There are over 160 pieces of content published at the website with our Global Forum articles and Learn-Engage-Empower blog stories. Our blog stories are as diverse as our authors. This year we heard about addiction, finding your way as a woman, and living with chronic pain. We also felt the joy of being the son of immigrants, walked a journey into anger, learned the meaning of friendship, and how to build a toolbox for life. The Global Forum articles have showcased ordinary people doing extraordinary work worldwide with practical tips to create change in your community. All this content is entirely searchable. We encourage anyone to use it for reference purposes and to guide change in their lives.

  • We launched the website for content writers. We invite aspiring writers worldwide to submit articles and stories. This site enables people another way to engage with and a global community meaningfully.

  • now has a potential audience reach of almost 26,000 people with all media forms, an increase of 16% from a year ago.

  • We started developing and early testing a social media platform to launch in 2023. This platform will enable us to move solidly into the second phase of the project development, Engagement, with real-time conversations, forums, groups, and town hall meetings.

Monarch butterfuly on someone's shoe.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.

As founder of, I am humbled by the progress we are making and the comments we have received from people worldwide. I am grateful to each of you for sharing your thoughts on the stories, the articles, and the mission. And a big thank you to those that have joined us. And to those that have yet to subscribe, visit Please check us out, and consider subscribing if we have merit.

I look forward to a New Year of helping you to make the world a better place. Now, more than ever, we need humanity to be humane. At, we genuinely believe that each of us, all of us, can change the world. The table is set, and you are welcome to be part of it all.


Terry Cullen



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