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Become an influential and effective changemaker.

Belonging to moja comes with a lot of benefits!

An Open Access Community

Access community place and space (currently 9 places and 13 spaces and we keep adding more), each with group directed learning opportunities to  grow as a changemaker and have fun doing it.

Build, design and implement real projects

Action is the operable word. Each of moja's Neighborhoods designs and builds a real actionable project to make a difference in the world. Get real world experience of what it takes to be a changemaker.

moja Marketplace

Our entrepreneurship program gives you an opportunity to open a storefront in the moja marketplace. (Coming soon)

moja Affiliate One

A chance to earn income as a moja affiliate. (Coming soon)

Always growing, always changing

We continually add new features to your moja community membership giving it more value! Academy

Group-directed learning provides the flexibility for residents to learn and grow as a changemaker with subject matter they choose.

Targeted Learning

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Changemaker learning tracks and certificates. (Coming soon)

The Global Forum Newspaper

Access the growing library of over 200+ Global Forum articles showcasing people and organizations making a difference in the world and how you can replicate this at home. A great resource!

The Community Contest

Each month we host a contest where you can earn a cash prize.

Lots of live events

Join changemakers worldwide in course work, films, group discussions, team projects, featured speakers, round tables with more modes to come! 

Reach Beyond

An upcoming program to enhance your change-making skills with real-life experience hosting community spaces and events on moja.

Connect with Changemakers Worldwide

Post (text, URLs, images, video, audio), chat, cheer, mention, refer with people worldwide who want to make a positive change in the world, just like you!

moja World Impact

10% of all membership dues go to the moja World Impact. Annually, the community neighbors nominate and vote on projects to fund.

See what you're missing in moja this month!

The Book Club - Season of Mystery


July 26, 2024

Climate Action Neighborhood Studio


August 7, 2024

Season of Mystery - Movie of the Month - Clue


July 27, 2024

moja Community Reception

Welcome Center

August 8, 2024

Community Round Table


July 30, 2024

Social Justice Neighborhood Studio


August 14, 2024

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